Community Working Group office hour: recruiting for everything but coding

KDE is a huge project and to keep it running it needs all kinds of people with very different talents – be it artists, translators, promoters, community managers, documentation writers, bug triagers and much more. We’re relatively good with recruiting coders. We could do better for everyone else. The Community Working Group would like to invite you to its next office hour to talk about this topic. How can we make it easier for non-coders to get involved? How can we improve the help we give them? How can we reach more of them?

Join us in #kde-cwg on freenode IRC at 4PM UTC on 21st of April. I hope to see many of you there 🙂

2 thoughts on “Community Working Group office hour: recruiting for everything but coding”

  1. The Who/Why/When was well explained, but

    “Join us in #kde-cwg on freenode IRC…” was not understandable, by me.


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