One of the outcomes of the survey we did for Evolving KDE was that we need to get more clarity on our vision, strategy and focus. At Akademy we had many discussions to explore more how we all see this topic. We discussed what different contributors think KDE’s vision and focus should be. We tried to clarify what it actually means for KDE to have a vision, strategy and focus. And we talked about ways to get to a vision that would work for KDE.
Here’s a visualization of how I see the different parts fitting together:
Some time ago we created KDE’s manifesto. It answers the question “Who are we?”. What we need to work out now is our vision. It will answer the questions “What do we aspire to do?”. Different teams inside KDE can then in addition find their own local vision which can overlap more or less with the global one. The manifesto and the vision together will give us a framework in which we can develop our strategy. The strategy gives us the answer to the question how we want to go about achieving our vision. From the strategy we can derive a number of concrete actions that will get us closer to where we want to be.
The goal of all this is to give us clarity on who we are, what we do, why we do it and what everyone’s part in the big picture is.
Over the next weeks we will summarize the different ideas and thoughts concerning the vision that were brought up at Akademy and open it up for wider input and discussion. We will also hold another office hour on IRC. Depending on how all this goes we will have a sprint to work on it more.
Any chance to develop KDE for Windows?And i am not talking about kde applications,but about kdewin window manager.Windows 10 just like it is right now , despite its performance, as an interface still lacks the customization of kde.I know about kde on windows,but since 2013 there has been nothing new, and still is very buggy ,not to mention unstable and many antivirus solutions target it for security threats But, it would be nice for the competition to step on microsoft teritory, since they don’t mind copying features from kde.