Linuxtag is over and it was amazing. So many amazing projects with enthusiastic people. For example the German kubuntu-team. You can feel the love for Kubuntu.
Of course we (apachelogger, gnux, sven423 and nightrose) do love Amarok and I think we were able to show that as well *g*.

We had visitors at our booth who had never heard of Amarok and were amazed when we showed some of the cool features of Amarok (lyrics, wikipedia, search in lyrics, moodbar, intelligent and dynamic playlists, …). Then there were people who have used Amarok but had problems. We were able to solve lots of them and I hope we were able to give a better understanding of how Amarok works. And then of cause the real Amarok-lovers. It’s amazing how many stepped by and expressed how much they love Amarok. We love you too, guys 😉 (sidenote: there was an impressive number of Amarok-lovers among the VINs on Linuxtag *g* ). We gave people the opportunity to show their dedication by posting a note on the wall of the booth. This are photos from friday:

Unfortunately I didn’t have a lot of time for the talks but I did attend a few. Jonos talk about the Ubuntu-community was one of them. It was really funny and you should definitely see him live. Sebas gave a talk about KDE4. One word: Impressive. So many cool new features and concepts. Can’t wait for the release in october. And the last one was the Ubuntu-grill where the audience was able to ask questions about Ubuntu. Unfortunately a big part of the questions was rather boring and some seem to have thought that this is the right place for bugreports.

The social event for the community on wednesday was perfect. Yummy food and drinks and long conversations. Perfect to get to know each other. Same at the Ubuntu-BBQ on Friday.

Everyone tries to make you feel welcome. This is what Linux is about. This is the Linux-community at it’s best.
Hope to see and hear (“Awwwwuuuuuuoooooooooo” ;-)) some of you IRL again.
(photos by Carlos Diener/emonkey of