what I learned at FOSDEM

After getting back from FOSDEM and sleeping for 10 hours I am finally back in the land of the living πŸ˜‰

FOSDEM was great, I had a lot of fun and was able to connect some more IRC nicks to their real life faces.

So what did I learn this weekend?

  1. When traveling with Nikolaj always be prepared for something involving a bomb.
  2. Mike looks/is awesome.
  3. There was an awful lot of ambulances in Brussels compared to every other city I have ever been to.
  4. Kriek tastes delicious.
  5. Statistics on KDE commits can tell you a lot about its community. Thanks to Paul for showing me some of his work. It was insightful and will be very useful for me for Amarok.
  6. I need to get started again on packaging for Kubuntu.
  7. KDE people rock! (Ok right. I knew that one long before ;-))

Thanks to the KDE people for letting Amarok have a good share of the booth. We love you πŸ™‚
Sorry I was not able to say goodbye to everyone yesterday. Big KDE-hug to all of you.

PS: Everyone who took pictures please share.

counting the hours…

Only two days left until Phil, Sven, Sput and I take the train to Brussels for FOSDEM. The Rokers will be at FOSDEM! Right now I am counting 12. So be prepared πŸ˜‰
Come by the KDE booth and developer room to talk to some of our finest developers and Rokymoters and see all the cool new features of Amarok 2.

Oh and something very funky makes its first public appearance – don´t miss it. (But shhhh – super secret – not allowed to talk about it ;-))

I'm going to FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting