Stu is awesome and because he’s awesome he wrote a nice wrap-up of the successful SoK 2009 projects for Google’s Open Source blog. Go and read it and see the cool stuff that has been done last year.
This is the package our 4 successful students received:
Thanks a bunch to Giulia, ruphy and sheytan for designing the shirt and certificate and Claudia and Torsten for getting them printed and shipped.
Oh and btw: I’m still looking for more mentors – ping me! 😀
you’re welcome 😀 It’s a pleasure to work for free software ;D
These are great shirts! Looking forward to the package.
Thanks Nightrose and the designers and ship-pers 🙂 and everyone else involved in SoK.
Wow!! Thank you one and all responsible for organizing SoK 🙂
Awesome, it looks like a very lovely setI’m anxious to get them 🙂
Good job on organizing this, keep it up Lydia – we need more developers 😉
nice tshirts..I need one
Great read. The link article as well. I’ve got an idea. What about publishing the “best” ideas without Google approval after the GSoC decision time and provide a possibility for the people to donate some money for their preferred projects.
I’m sure we/you get enough money for some additional projects!
It would just be a huge PITA tbh. Employing people in different parts of the world isn’t trivial.
Besides it isn’t all about the money, is it? 😉
O_o I want such a Google T-shirt.
Join us in Season of KDE and you’ll likely get one. 😀