more stats from sysadmin

At the Qt Contributors’ Summit I did a Social Skills for Geeks session together with Hanne and Alexandra. I’ll try to post a summary of the session as soon as I have the video.

One of the things that we talked about is managing and wasting time. Together with the attendees we came to how much time is wasted by sending useless emails to mailing lists. One of the reasons for that is that people are not aware how many people will get their email and spend at least a few seconds of their day on it. To improve that situation I asked KDE’s sysadmin team to give me the subscriber numbers for our public mailing lists. Here are the numbers for a few of them:

list subscribers
amarok 620
bugsquad 127
digikam-devel 137
digikam-users 613
kde 994
kde-accessibility 183
kde-announce 5714
kde-artists 237
kde-bindings 174
kde-buildsystem 201
kde-commits 153
kde-core-devel 1124
kde-devel 1797
kde-edu 405
kde-extra-gear 186
kde-freebsd 491
kde-games-devel 293
kde-i18n-doc 537
kde-india 306
kde-licensing 99
kde-linux 888
kde-look 312
kde-mac 112
kde-multimedia 351
kde-nonlinux 181
kde-pim 606
kde-promo 348
kde-quality 641
kde-science 98
kde-scm-interest 183
kde-soc 351
kde-solaris 314
kde-usability 322
kde-windows 553
kde-women 201
kde-www 132
kwin 172
nepomuk 141
okular-devel 88
owncloud 217
plasma-devel 585
rekonq 72
release-team 193

Keep in mind that these numbers are the lower boundary. There are quite a few people on top of that reading mailing lists through GMane and archiving services who do not show up in these numbers.

Have these numbers in mind when sending a useless email to a mailing list. But also have in mind how many people you can potentially reach with important messages.

Desktop Summit: Registration and Call for Workshops/BoFs

I have two announcements for the Desktop Summit participants:

  1. Please register for the event asap if you have not done so already. We need a good estimate of how many people will attend for a lot of things very soon. Please help by registering for the event. Registration is free but mandatory to attend.
  2. Propose your BoFs and workshops. You have time for this until July 3rd. There will also be opportunities for scheduling BoFs and workshops at the conference.

See you all in Berlin 🙂

KDE Community Working Group office hour in 2 days

Just a quick reminder that the Community Working Group will be doing another office hour on Saturday (11th of June) at 7pm UTC. We’ll be meeting on IRC in #kde-cwg on freenode. You can add topics to the wiki. Everything related to community is welcome.

Oh and before I forget:
I'm attending the Qt Contributors' Summit
If there is anything you’d like me to bring up wrt community and/or Community Working Group please let me know in the office hour or via email.

Desktop Summit 2011 reminder – accommodation and child care

This is a friendly reminder that if you are coming to the Desktop Summit (and I hope you are!) then you should book your accommodation pretty soon. We have some special rates but they are only valid for a limited time and run out soon. We also expect the time of the Desktop Summit to be rather busy in Berlin. So go and book your accommodation now, please. has some suggestions.

We’d also like to offer a child care option for the attending parents at the summit. To see if this is feasible we’d like to know who would be interested in such an option. Depending on the demand and a few other factors this might not be gratis. We’d have professional staff on site for the kids. We have to make a decision on this soon. If you’re interested please send an email to ds-team at desktopsummit org soon to let the team know.

Oh and see, the conference can begin now. Thanks to Damien we have a shiny button. What more do you need? 😀

I'm going to the Desktop Summit 2011