KDE 4.2 has been released and there is neat stuff all over the place.
The thing I think rocks most? Definitely automatic translation and image fetching in Parley. Typing all those vocabulary by hand can be a pain. Thanks to scripting support in Parley you now can let Parley fetch those translations for you. And while we are at it: Why not also get a nice image on top of it? 😉

So now tell me: Which feature do you think is the best? Got a small feature that risks getting unnoticed? Or a feature that makes your live 10 times easier? Tell us about it in the comments and your blog!
What makes life more beautiful is the customized plasma theme, definetly one of the best features =)
Customized Plasma Theme makes life more beautiful, definetly one of my favourite features =)
great feature. i hope that this will help to create more parley files in more languages (italian included) 🙂
Yeah,I want to learn Italian too!!