Ada, meet Katie’s posse!

Role models are key to getting more women and especially young girls interested in science and technology and specifically open source. And here are some of KDE’s finest 🙂  Will you be one of them next year?

Ada Lovelace Day, video by fabulous Alexandra

Unfortunately not in the video but still very awesome: Alex, Ana Cecília, Ana, Chani, Claudia, Sabine, Valerie, Valorie, Vera and many more.

KDE accepted for GSoC 2010

KDE has once again been accepted as an org for GSoC. Yay! This means we’ll once again be welcoming a bunch of great students into our team to make KDE software rock this summer.

So what to do now?
If you’re a student who wants to take part in GSoC this year: Go and check out the ideas page and pick one you like or come up with your own idea. Then get in touch with the team working on the program you want to contribute to over the summer. Work with them to write a kick-ass proposal and then hopefully make it reality this summer. To keep up with all things GSoC you can also subscribe to the mailing list.

If you’re a potential mentor: Go and check out the flow chart below. It has everything you should need to know about how we’re doing GSoC this year. Then go and subscribe to the list. Further announcements for mentors will be made there.

If you have any questions please join us in our IRC channel #kde-soc on freenode or send an email to the kde-soc mailing list.

KDE GSoC process 2010

GSoC info session in Karlsruhe

Since Google Summer of Code is coming up again very soon Sven, Phil and I will be doing a short info session at the University of Karlsruhe on Thursday at 4pm in room HS -101 in building 50.34 (Infobau). We’ll be giving a short intro to GSoC and tell a bit about how GSoC works in KDE and Debian and of course answer lots of questions. If you’re planning to apply this year you should definitely show up 🙂 Please drop me a short email if you want to attend at lydia at kde org.

If you’re not in Karlsruhe or anywhere near there are info sessions in other cities around the world listed in the GSoC calendar.

looking for awesome GSoC ideas

It’s that time of the year again when we need to start thinking about awesome ideas for GSoC. I just prepared a page on the community wiki to collect them. The list needs to be finished by March 8th. Got a great idea for a nice project a student could be working on for the summer? Add it! If you are unsure or have any questions ping me or the team of the app you have an idea for.

help needed with relaunch

We need a lot of help collecting data for the new that is being worked on and you can help! It is pretty easy but a lot to do. The more people help the better.

What needs to be done? Just find some simple data about KDE’s programs following a template and putting them on a wiki. We also need screenshots. The community wiki has more details. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know all the data for a certain program. Fill in as much as you know. Everything helps. If you have questions come to #kde-www on freenode or drop me an email at lydia at kde org.

Everyone who completes at least two programs gets hugs from me 😀

It should all be done next weekend so get cracking! 🙂

This is the entry for Parley as an example:

Screenshot sent: no
Name: Parley
Description: [can be HTML or wiki markup]
<p><b>Parley</b> is a program to help you memorize things.<br> Parley supports many language specific features but can be used for other learning tasks just as well. It uses the <a href=\”\”>spaced repetition</a> learning method, also known as flash cards.</p><p>  Creating new vocabulary collections with Parley is easy,  but of course it is even better if you can use some of our premade files. Have a look at the <a href=\”\”></a> page or use the \”Download New Collections\” feature directly.</p>
Features (optional):
Different test types
Mixed Letters (order the letters, anagram like) to get to know new words
Multiple choice
Written tests – type the words (including clever correction mechanisms)
Example sentences can be used to create ‘fill in the gap’ tests
Article training
Comparison forms (adjectives and/or adverbs)
Fast test setup with all options in one dialog
More than two languages (for example English, Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified)
Find words (also by word type) quickly
Easy lesson management
Premade vocabulary files ready to use
Share and download vocabulary using Get Hot New Stuff
Open XML file format (shared with KWordQuiz, Kanagram and KHangMan) that can be edited by hand and is easily usable with scripts

ID on 66741
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ID of subforum on 21
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IRC channel(s): #kde-edu
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Project name on kde/parley
Bugzilla component: parley