Designed not to scale

(This is the second guest post by Asheesh Laroia of OpenHatch, an “open source involvement engine”. OpenHatch is a website and ongoing project to help new contributors find their place in free software projects. If you like this sort of thing, you could subscribe to the OpenHatch blog.)

Now we'll never find him   (Explore)

For most open source projects, just one new contributor would mean a huge increase in energy. As a team member, what can you do to find that person?

Typically, we configure computers to converse with prospective helpers. This “scales” — a new contributor requests a page from your wiki or searches the OpenHatch volunteer opportunity finder, and you don’t have to do anything at all. If things work out, the patches flow in.

This time, I want to talk about outreach strategies where human effort is the bottleneck.

Fedora Design Bounties

With the aim of bringing in one new contributor, Máirín Duffy sometimes writes a “Fedora Design Bounty”, a long description of something she could do herself.

Look at the first one and you’ll get a sense of the process she underwent. She created a splashy web page and discussed a specific issue at length (rather than simply linking to a ticket). She singled out a specific task for a newcomer and provided context showing why it was important that the work gets done. In the “What’s in it for you?” section, she explained how you’ll totally be cooler if you do it. Finally, she made it a contest: anyone can try working on it for 48 hours, and if they don’t succeed, the next person in line gets a shot.

Then she crossed her fingers in hope, hit “publish”, and waited anxiously.

In this case, there was an outpouring of response. Within only a few hours, a fellow named Jef claimed the “bounty”, and a few days later, Máirín congratulated him on the success.

From one perspective, her actions were incomprehensible. If she wanted someone to help her, why didn’t she just file a ticket in the Fedora Design Trac? If she wanted to publicize it, why spend hours writing all this up and making a contest when she could have just blogged a link to the ticket?

And all this time, Jef could have applied his design skills to the team’s work by looking for a suitable ticket in the tracker. Why didn’t he?

There are some intriguing aspects of her strategy:

  • Her request for help feels unusually human. She spells out the tools to use and documents to read. That kind of information (and tone) isn’t even appropriate for a ticket tracker.
  • By creating a time-limited contest, she creates a sense of urgency. Hers is an opportunity for self-improvement, not a red “Overdue” marker in a bug tracker.
  • She worked to put her request in front of lots of people. It hit Planet Fedora, Planet GNOME, and her microblog.

And it worked. She’s created lasting contributors. Jef and Emily, the two successful “ninjas”, have gone on to contribute to the Fedora Design Team in other ways. (Jef even landed an internship at Red Hat!)

A supportive environment with friendly people and “borrowed” resources

In college, I led the Johns Hopkins Association for Computing Machinery, our computer club, for a few years. When I was chair in fall 2005, students’ computers in dorms could not run servers; the firewall would block inbound connections to them. One enthusiastic-yet-timid freshman came by and seemed like he wanted to tinker with running a Linux box. The ACM office is a great place for that, and we had spare hardware on shelves. But we were running out of IP addresses, and most existing machines were too critical for me to hand out root access to a freshman.

We lucked out when we found a discarded computer in the hallway. A sticker declared its hostname, We brought it back to the ACM office. Since no other machine was using that IP address, we decided to keep using the address until someone complained. So we plugged it in, installed a fresh OS on it, and he got to fiddling.

Now, five years later, he’s a developer in DragonFly BSD and contributes patches to Ogg Theora, Plan 9, and a host of other projects.

The presence of Linux geeks in the ACM office provided an environment that encouraged asking questions and trying personal projects.

What if the ACM had been inactive? The restrictive Hopkins firewall would have blocked his ability to experiment with SSH and learn about UNIX-like systems. And the spare (albeit dodgy) IP address meant that the ACM sysadmins were never tempted to re-purpose the machine to serve the entire ACM membership.

(Also, I think that IP address is unused again…)

What I take from these examples

Fedora Design Bounties and incubating students in the computer club are time-intensive activities. At a great amount of effort, locked within a short period of time, they reach a tiny number of people.

But for that small number of people, they can have a huge impact.

For a project leader like Máirín, one new contributor can boost the energy level of the community. With that as her goal, working hard to find that new contributor makes perfect sense. I believe there are other projects in similar situations, so Danny Piccirillo and OpenHatch are incubating a similar project called Starling Bounties. To prove to the community it can work, we’ll take on the writing effort.

For me, watching people “get it” has always been rewarding. Not all students have access to a support network knowledgeable about open source. So this past weekend, I visited the University of Pennsylvania to try to create one there. With help from other teachers, we gave 30 students hands-on instruction in GNU/Linux, IRC, git, and other concepts key to open source participation.

These mechanisms can only grow as fast as humans pour effort into them. When you want a substantial change from someone, a costly signal shows dedication.


After reading all these words, you must be exhausted. Go get yourself a glass of water.

For you lovely readers who stuck it out this far: What do you think of the Fedora Design Bounties? Would you be interested in trying a Starling Bounty with your own project? And I want to hear about the fun things you do to help grow the free software community, even if they “don’t scale”!

Next Community Working Group Office Hour


Since the last Community Working Group office hour was well received we decided to continue with them. The next one will be on Saturday, 09 October 2010, 18:00:00 UTC in #kde-cwg on freenode.

Please join us and ask whatever big or small community related question you have or get feedback on your ideas.

PS: We will of course continue to be available via email and private chat for urgent/sensitive matters.

OpenHatch: Making the first step easier

Baby, originally uploaded by gabi_menashe.

(This is a guest post by Asheesh Laroia of OpenHatch, an “open source involvement engine.” OpenHatch is a website and ongoing project to help new contributors find their place in free software projects. A few months ago, he imported some bugs in KDE’s bug tracker into the OpenHatch volunteer opportunity finder. I invited him to write about it for my blog. OpenHatch has its own blog, too.)

KDE is doing something wonderful with its Junior Jobs. These are issues (often small feature requests) that are appropriate for a first-time contributor. When maintainers create these opportunities, they take information that would otherwise be trapped in their head — how easy or hard an issue is — and make it available as hint to new contributors. Conveniently, creating a “Junior Job” doesn’t take any special work: maintainers just have to find the relevant bug in KDE Bugzilla and add the junior-jobs keyword.

But KDE Bugzilla isn’t necessarily a friendly welcome mat. Probably everyone reading this post can remember a time when Bugzilla seemed like a difficult, arcane tool. Bugzilla works well (enough) as an interface for project maintainers to share the status of what they’re working on with each other.

But imagine you are a prospective contributor. Aim your web browser at the list of junior jobs. (To get that link, I went to KDE Bugzilla and clicked the “Junior Jobs” link on the left side.) This is what I saw when writing this post:

Here are some questions I might have as a new contributor (and some commentary as myself):

  • What do “wis” and “UNCO” mean?
  • Who is JJ? (Maybe that’s a person’s initials; maybe he or she plans to fix it.)
  • What project are these bugs in? (I can guess from the assignee….)
  • Where do I get the source code? (The wrong answer might lead the new contributor to submit a patch against the most recent release; that patch might not apply against trunk.)
  • If I get started on this, who can help me when I get stuck? (Otherwise, a new contributor might make an effort, become confused by something, and fall away.)

I like to joke that bug trackers say lots of information about what the problem is, but they don’t provide any information on how to solve it.

We at OpenHatch noticed that a great number of projects were in a similar situation: they label bugs as “easy”, “bitesize”, or “Junior Jobs” and point first-time contributors straight at the bug tracker. So we created what we call the volunteer opportunity finder to help people find something to work on. It wakes up late at night to download issues from bug trackers representing hundreds of projects. (Since OpenHatch is itself a free software project, we also import the bitesize bugs from our own bug tracker.)

When you browse the available issues, you can click on the project name and see its page on OpenHatch. (We make one for every project that someone says they’ve contributed to, or where we’ve imported bugs for it.) The pages showcase the people who have listed themselves as possible mentors. Contributors can also write instructions or suggestions for how to get involved; for example, the page for Gally does a great job of answering “Other than writing code, how can I contribute?”

If you don’t know how to get involved, you can also browse opportunities by programming language, the kind of help you want to give (such as writing documentation) or flip through a few projects you might want to work on. You can narrow your search to just the ones we call “bitesize” (“Junior Jobs” in KDE, bugs labeled as “easy” in the Python programming language, and so forth).

So OpenHatch is a project to think through how people join free software communities and to build technical tools and social structures to make that better. This browsing tool is one thing we’ve built. It’s a community project, so you can help out! Say hi on IRC or email if you want to join in.

I’d like to hear (in the comments on this post) from you guys and gals: What do you think about our “volunteer opportunity finder”? What works about it for you? What would you change?

If Lydia invites me back, I plan to write about getting non-coders more involved in free software projects. During the weekend I first met Lydia and Jeff Mitchell of Amarok, I had a crazy idea for something you can build on top of OpenHatch. If you want to stay in touch until then, join our IRC channel or subscribe to us on!

Community Working Group office hour

The KDE Community Working Group members (that would be Jeff, Anne, Ingo, Rich and me) would like to invite you to our first (of hopefully many) office hour. We’ll be on IRC to answer all your small and big questions about community, help you with problems and give feedback on ideas you have.

Please join us on Saturday, 28 August 2010, 18:00:00 UTC in #kde-cwg on freenode.

We’re currently considering doing this on a monthly basis if there is demand for it.

PS: We will of course continue to be available via email and private chat for urgent/sensitive matters.

KDE GSoC 2010 wrapup

Google Summer of Code 2010 finished. It’s been a blast again for KDE. Of our 50 students 46 completed the program successfully and one withdrew after successful midterm evaluation to start an internship he couldn’t say no to. Each of them has produced something really cool, has learned a lot and I’m sure also found a few new friends. Check PlanetKDE for updates on their projects. Thanks to each of our students and thanks x2 to our amazing mentors who once again rocked very much. And of course thanks to Google for making the whole program possible. A dot story including details about each project will follow soon – stay tuned.

Season of KDE hasn’t wrapped up just yet. Updates on that when it finished.

Oh and if you want to hear me ramble about GSoC and Season of KDE with the awesome Guillermo and Paul, go and listen to the latest KDE and the Masters of the Universe podcast.

unicorns and laser beams

As part of my computer science studies I needed to work on a research project which I finally finished not too long ago – the title: “Planning of 3-dimensional complex cutting trajectories for robot-assisted surgery”. I worked on a program for a robot-assisted laser surgery on bones (in particular the human skull). It’s written in C++ using Qt and VTK. My task was to work on the planning module. The surgeon can mark points on a model of the patient’s skull and then connect them either with straight lines on the skull or create more complex connections. This was then used in another module to calculate positions and movements of the robot that was handling the laser. Laser beams ZOMG! All this will hopefully help make skull surgeries safer and less invasive as well as allow surgeries currently not possible due to tool limitations.

Despite having contributed to KDE for a few years now pretty much all over the place this was my first really big C++/Qt coding experience. I’ve not really touched KDE code in all those years except a few small changes here and there. Unbelievable right? Not really. On the one hand I think that so far KDE was better served with me doing community work – and maybe always will? And on the other hand it was damn scary. Oh and of course there was no pressure to climb that rather huge imaginary mountain and learn all the stuff I’d need to actually be any useful in that area. This university project helped quite a bit with both now 😉 This is btw also one of the reasons why I think GSoC is so invaluable: It gives the needed pressure and incentive to not give up when things get tough that some people (including me) need.

The robot, laser head and a plastic skull:
setup spline cut (circle) after

Cut on the plastic skull:
finished spline cut (circle)

Cut on a part of a pig’s bone:
finished spline cut on bone

And the actual planning program:

Thanks to Jessica, my advisor, for having patience and letting me screw up a few times. Thanks to everyone working on Qt and VTK for letting me do amazing stuff.

Guess it’s time now to find a good KDE project to get my hands dirty on. Be warned 😀

Oh and next time a new contributor vanishes: Nudge them a bit. They might just be standing in front of that huge imaginary mountain and need someone to tell them it’s not actually that huge or give a helping hand. And if you’re standing in front of it yourself right now: Don’t give up! Take it step by step. You’ll get up there.

in need of some love and dedication

When walking in a big group of people you have to check every now and then for the slower ones so you don’t leave them behind and lose them. It’s the same in a community like KDE. Every now and then you have to check if everyone can still keep up and if not take the necessary steps. That’s why for the second time now I’ve asked KDE developers to tell me which parts of KDE they think really needs some new blood or more helping hands. This is the list of answers I got:

  • KDE bindings needs a maintainer for PHPQt and some helping hands for Qyoto/Kimono (the C# bindings). – contact
  • KDEPIM looking for someone to work on Akgregator and the Kontact shell. – contact the kde-pim mailing list
  • Juk could benefit from a port to actual KDE Platform 4 technologies (away from KDE3 Support and possibly port Bangarang’s Nepomuk storage to Juk). – contact the kde-multimedia list
  • KOffice is in need of people poking Karbon and Kivio. – contact the koffice mailing list
  • KCalc, KFloppy, Kdf, KTimer and Sweeper from kdeutils do not have maintainers at the moment. Most of these applications are almost unused, but they haven’t been excluded from the module and might at least provide some fun to newcomers. – contact
  • Okular could use some help fixing crashes and finishing features. – contact
  • UserBase is looking for people to help improve documentation. Tasks and guidelines are available on – contact

Quite the mix – surely there’s something exciting in there for everyone. So if you are someone who wants to contribute to KDE and looking for a place to start or an experienced contributor looking for a new project, this is where your help would be really appreciated. Choose your direction and get your hands dirty 😉

street sign in china town

KDE SC 4.5 release parties – let’s get them started!

I’m back from conference touring (which was awesome btw – more about that later) and Tom reminded me that the release parties for 4.5 are not planned yet. And the release is planned for August 4th, so in a bit more than a week. OMG!

Clearly it is time to fix this situation and give the world a chance to meet some cool KDE people. So go to the 4.5 release party planning page and check if there is one near you already. If there is one then sign up for it and have fun. If there is none yet it’s time to start one. Pick a date and time (preferably within 3 weeks of release) and reserve a place in a local restaurant, bar, meeting room, university, whateverelsefits. Add it to the wiki page, spread the word and then have lots of fun.

Of course it’s my pleasure to announce the first of hopefully many release parties: Stuttgart, Germany on 7th of August. Exact place and time is still to be determined. Check the wiki page every now and then for updates.

For those who have never planned or attended a release party: You can do pretty much everything you want from simply getting together for a beer and chatting to full day event with talks, workshops and so on. It’s up to you. You can find a few tips on the community wiki. Everyone is welcome from active contributor to interested user. Just let the person organizing it know you’re coming so they can plan better.

teaching the KDE way

(more akademy blogs including write-up of my talks will follow later – just need to get this out before I leave to Portland to join Jeff, Valorie and Knut for the CLS and a bit of OSCON)

Not long before Akademy Tomaz told me about the awesome Qt/KDE courses he and his team are giving at Brazilian universities to a few hundred students each. (They seriously rock!) At the same time he was working with a student who wanted to do his internship that is required by university with KDE and I was in a similar situation looking for a topic for my diploma thesis. And I’m sure you’ve all heard about Kevin ruling French university students and giving them KDE projects to work on to help them learn how to work in a large distributed team and develop software in the open that is actually getting used by a lot of people. (Unlike a lot of the code I have written so far for university…)

So there we have a few KDE contributors doing awesome stuff – teaching students about KDE, KDE software and how we develop it. We sat down at Akademy with a few more people and talked about how we can adapt what Tomaz and Kevin are doing to other universities (and maybe schools?). And the first step in that direction is the creation of the kde-teaching mailing list. If you’re interested in helping out or are already doing something similar please subscribe. There is a lot of awesome waiting there (and maybe some cookies) 😉