What a weekend :p
Some Amarokers (apachelogger, Mamarok, markey, sven423, basti, Sput and me) came together in Karlsruhe (the Amarok HQ to be ;-)). We had a great time partying, talking and chilling.
Friday evening we started with a visit to the Christmas market including some delicious mulled wine and ended with cheese fondue by Mamarok and dancing to good music.
Saturday started late with driving into the city and having a pizza. A part of us went there earlier to do something I am not supposed to talk about just yet. But you will find out soon in markeyΓΒ΄s blog :p Then we had fun at a karaoke bar singing great songs like Moonlight Shadow and Mr. Jones by our favorites Mike Oldfield and Counting Crows. Recordings of this are better kept confidential ;-). The day ended very late in a club (playing music that I did not quite like but wth *g*).
Sunday was our last day and apachelogger had to leave early :(. When I got back after taking him to the train station we had chilli con carne. Sadly it was time to leave for the rest as well after that.
I miss you guys and girl already :(. Hope we can do this again next year.